People's Movement Against Nuclear Energy (PMANE) Convener S P Udaykumar and others have ended their fast after the district administration agreed to withdraw cases against villagers and also life Section 144. This happened after talks with the District Magistrate.
Sandeep Pandey who was on solidarity fast has also decided to withdraw on third day of his fast on March 28th at 11am at Jantar Mantar, Delhi.
The protesting people demands are:
1. The cases filed against Struggle Committee members and other people must be unconditionally revoked. The people who have been imprisoned in connection with this struggle should be released from the prisons with no conditions attached.
Notwithstanding that Koodankulam Nuclear Power Plant is a Central Government undertaking, it is a fact that it is set up within Tamilnadu. Therefore, keeping in mind the safety and livelihood concerns of the people of Tamil Nadu, the Government of Tamilnadu has an immense responsibility to act on behalf of the people of Tamilnadu to make all efforts to ensure that the Central Government fulfills all its duties. On this basis, we request the Government of Tamilnadu to emphasise the following facts and actions to the Central Government.
2. The Government must assure that an independent team of experts will study the hydrology, oceanography and geology of the site and surrounding areas.
3. The secret Agreement between the Government of India or the Atomic Energy Commission with the Russian company on the nuclear disaster liability must be made public. This is an important document that concerns the future of the people of Tamilnadu. We request that a copy of the same be provided to us as well.
4. The Tamilnadu Government should ensure that the Central Government implements the rule regarding emergency/disaster management training, as well as evacuation training for the people living within 30 km radius.
5. The Tamilnadu Government should ensure that full details about the nuclear waste management is made public by the Central Government.
6. Even as the struggle committee members give their word that they will not blockade the nuclear power plant or resort to any violent tactics for any reason, it is requested of the Government that we be allowed to voice our concerns and dissent in a democratic and non-violent manner, without disruption of law and order.
7. If these demands are accepted, we are prepared to end this phase of our struggle.
To emphasise these demands, they have appointed a team of four persons headed by Thiru Arimavalan on behalf of the people and the struggle committee.
Thiru. Arimavalavan. Age 47, S/o Mohan. Village Uvari
Thiru Pandi, s/o Thiru Velayutham. Village Koodankulam
Thirumathi Sundari, w/o Benton, Village Idinthakarai
Thiru Joseph, s/o Anthony Thommai, Village Koothankuzhi
People's Movement Against Nuclear Energy
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