Round Table on “Incinerator based carbon credit projects” on 30th April, 2008 at 2. 00 in Indian Social Institute.
The immediate reason for the Round Table is that project activity in terms of constructions in Timarpur, Sukhdev Vihar and Ghazipur projects claiming carbon credits has formally started. The Project Design Documents to that effect have been submitted to the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Executive Board. The RDF Incinerator technology proposed for these projects has been deemed obsolete and highly polluting. It is fraught with disastrous consequences for public health.
Having stopped such incineration-based waste to energy plants in the past with collective efforts, there is a need to revive a Delhi Campaign for Safe Environment to persuade decision makers to give up such projects in public interest.
We also wish to intervene in constructive and creative manner to stop combustion technologies along with the residents of the colonies where there are proposed. The way newspapers in particular have reported on polluting technologies leaves a lot to be desired.
This initiative is part of `Hurrafi 10' to bring together few discerning journalists with some key resource persons around a Round Table to share the current goings in Delhi in the name of waste management and carbon trade with the aim of initiating sustained engagement on this issue of consequence.
Date: 30 April, 2008
Time: 2:00 PM
Venue: Conference Room No.412, Indian Social Institute, Near Sai Baba Mandir
(adjacent to Lodi Road), New Delhi
Justice Rajinder Sachhar, former Chief Justice, Delhi High Court has evinced interest in the issue and he is likely to join the Round Table.
For details: Mb: 9818089660 ,
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