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Written By Krishna on Wednesday, August 08, 2012 | 12:00 PM

(Photo:Panduranga Hegde
(Environmentalist & Leader Appiko Movement)

Note: In July 2012, UN declared the Western Ghats a World Heritage site amidst battle for survival of critically endangered creatures and unknown and yet to be discovered species that may have lived with the dinosaurs 300 million years ago. But they face threats from mining, power and other industrial sectors.

The report of the Western Ghats Ecology Expert Panel has revealed how hydel projects have also led to continuous stretches of rivers have dried up, how deforestation for timber in catchments areas is rampant and how river valley projects and plantations has reduced the flow of hill streams.

Western Ghats or the Sahyādri is a 1,600-km-long mountain range spread over in Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu. It is home to ecologically fragile and precious biosphere reserves, which are threatened by activities such as mines, roads, railways, dams and other myopic initiatives.

One of the core questions is will the ongoing extinction of species after species even before being discovered continue or will there be action as per the recommendations of Western Ghats Ecology Expert Panel to save them by restricting infrastructure projects and mining in eco-sensitive areas?

Gopal Krishna

Delhi Karnataka Sangha
Sector-12,R.K.Puram, New Delh-110 022

“World Heritage Status to Western Ghats”

An Interactive Session with
Shri Panduranga Hegde
(Environmentalist & Leader Appiko Movement)

Sunday 12th August 2012 at 12 Noon

Venue: DKS Seminar Hall

Please come & participate
in the Interaction

Dr.Venkatachala Hegde C M Nagaraja
President General Secretary

Dear friend,

We are organizing an interactive session with Mr. Panduranga Hegde on 12 August 2012 at Delhi Karnataka Sangha at 12 noon on Western Ghats and issues sourrrounding it. Inivitation, both in Kannada and English, is attached.

I request you to join us for this session. I request you also to join us also for lunch after the session. I also request you to circulate this invitation to all friends and collegues who would be interested.

with warm regards
Venkatachala Hegde

Associate Professor of International Law
Centre for International Legal Studies
School of International Studies
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi 110 067
Telephone : 91-11-26704361 and 26704338 (O)
91-11-26742668 (R)
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Good work Pandurang Hegde. Keep it up. Expose the threat to Kali River in this meeting and discuss with supreme court lawyers about the issue of Kali River Pollution.

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